To ALL CUPE Local 104 members,
The bargaining session of July 12-13-14 has just ended and we can report that we signed-off a couple more articles. Things are progressing.
Our next bargaining sessions with the employer are scheduled on September 13-14-15 and October 12-13-14. We were hoping for more frequent sessions but these are the only dates the employer agreed to.
Your bargaining committee will continue to be hard at work throughout the summer and continue to meet in CAUCUS before and in between sessions with the employer.
We are continuing to bargain in good faith, and we respect the confidentiality of the bargaining process. This allows us to have open negotiations with the employer. Please remember that once we have reached a tentative agreement, it is you – the membership – who ultimately decide whether to accept the agreement.
It is especially important that all of us show solidarity with each other throughout the bargaining process. The stronger we are as a Local, the stronger our position is at the bargaining table. Please keep supporting each other, your stewards and your executive. We will get there together!
Please continue to reach out directly to your Stewards or Regional Chairpersons if you have questions or concerns.
As we progress in our bargaining, we are asking ALL OF YOU to please update all your information by filling out the MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FORM at https://104.cupe.ca/membership/
We especially need your personal email and work location (exact name and address of your office location). This form gets sent directly to the CUPE 104 Recording Secretary who maintains the Membership Master List. Your information is protected and only used by the Executive to contact you.
Having your updated information will help us communicate timely information to you during bargaining and when we get to voting on our first collective agreement. We need to be able to reach you during this critical time and the ONLY way is if you give us your information.
Please pass this request on to all your colleagues in case they didn’t see this message.
In Solidarity,
Your CUPE Local 104 Executive
Kathleen, Robbin, Myles, Robb, Cyrus, Marc-Étienne, Alex, Brandon, Randy and Ron.
Executive e-mail addresses: https://104.cupe.ca/contacts/
Main page: https://104.cupe.ca/
Membership Form: https://104.cupe.ca/membership/