Dear telecom operators and intercept monitor analysts,
Membership meetings will be held on April 23 at 1 PM and April 25, 2018 at 6 PM (Eastern time) to present the bylaws to the membership. To consult the agenda or to find the address of the meeting in your area, please consult the attached PDFs.
Bylaws dictate how our local is set up, who makes up the executive committee and the bargaining committee, and what our dues will be.
At these meetings we hope to receive feedback on the bylaws prepared by the interim committee and answer any questions you may have regarding the bylaws, or how being part of a union works in general. Based on the feedback we will amend the bylaws if need be and then they will be ready to be voted on.
Bylaw vote
The amended bylaws will be disseminated electronically, and the vote will also be electronic. It will be held from May 3 to May 10, 2018 to accommodate shift workers. More details on the vote will be released at a later date.
Please click here to send us your personal email address, so we can keep you informed of the next steps.