The Government of the day announced that COVID-19 vaccinations would be mandatory for all public servants. The Prime Minister also said that only those who have a valid medical reason will be exempt. Just days later, he called an election. We know this caused anxiety for a number of our members as he mentioned that non compliance could result in disciplinary action. CUPE 104 has been very clear with the employer that we will not support any disciplinary action or termination related to protected grounds (Canadian Human Rights Act).
CUPE 104 and other federal public service agents met with the employer, Treasury Board, last week and earlier this week to discuss the issue of mandatory vaccines. Treasury Board committed to ongoing consultation with the bargaining agents in the development of the vaccine requirement policy/framework. They also confirmed that no new policy will be implemented until a new Government is formed, after the federal elections.
Nothing should be different in your workplaces at this time and until such time as new guidance comes from the Treasury Board, there should be no changes. Nobody should be asking you for your vaccination status and you are not required to divulge this to your supervisors, managers, or Health Services. Nobody should be making new rules or invoking new policies locally while we await the final guidance and if they do, we encourage you to report this to your Local Steward or Regional Chairperson.