Advocacy Efforts and Working Conditions


Dear Members of CUPE 104,

Amid the challenging conditions many of you are currently facing, we wish to acknowledge your resilience and perseverance. As we navigate through the demanding summer season, your safety, rights, and recognition remain steadfastly at the forefront of our priorities.

It is with a sense of urgency and deep concern that we write to you today. Recent interactions with the employer have underscored a significant disconnect between the recognition of the vital roles we play as Telecommunications Operators and Intercept Monitor Analysts, and the legislative actions that affect our working conditions and retirement planning.

Historical Discrimination Revisited:

In March 2023, our employer was found to have discriminated against us by refusing to grant a long-awaited pay raise, citing our decision to form a union as the reason. To date, there has been no apology or rectification of this injustice, which only compounds the current challenges and underscores the lack of respect and recognition we continually face.

Seasonal Challenges:

This time of year is particularly taxing for our members, with an increase in motor vehicle collisions and drownings, alongside a general rise in crime rates that often accompanies the warmer weather. Additionally, many of you are actively involved in managing the responses to ongoing wildfires and preparing for the upcoming hurricane season.

These critical tasks are devastating, and at times, you must remain as essential services, watching helplessly as your loved ones and communities evacuate. This duty places immense physical and mental stress on you, our frontline responders, exemplifying the critical yet often undervalued nature of our roles.

Frustrations and Challenges:

Our union has been actively advocating for the inclusion of our LES-PO members in the early retirement eligibility expansion. Despite your essential roles in managing not only the typical daily emergencies but also the added seasonal challenges, there appears to be a severe lack of understanding and appreciation from decision-makers. This oversight is especially disheartening as you continue to perform heroically, often under extreme conditions.

Recent Developments:

We recently requested an urgent meeting with the Treasury Board President to address these oversights. We highlighted the perilous and often overlooked conditions we face, the severe understaffing, and the inadequate legislative support for our well-being. Furthermore, we expressed our concern over the intrusive medical evaluations that have replaced our crucial biennial psychological evaluations, diminishing the quality of mental health support available and collecting information irrelevant to our work and unnecessary for the employer to know.

Gender Inequity:

It is important to note that the majority of our affected members are women (70.2%), who are disproportionately impacted by these policy gaps. The ongoing exclusion from the early retirement eligibility not only neglects the sacrifices you make but also perpetuates economic and gender inequalities.

Our Commitment:

Please rest assured that CUPE 104 is fully committed to advocating for your rights and well-being. We will continue to push for necessary changes and will not back down until your work and sacrifices are adequately recognized and supported by fair and equitable legislation and policies.

Moving Forward:

We understand the frustrations that come with being undervalued and we share in your disappointment. We are prepared to take all necessary steps to ensure your voices are heard, and your contributions are acknowledged. We urge each of you to stay informed and engaged as we navigate these challenges together.

Your dedication under pressure does not go unnoticed by us. Together, we will strive towards more improvements that truly reflect the critical importance of our roles.


In Solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 104 Executive