Based on previous communications from the employer, we understood from the the CM leave carry over limit of 400 hours (before cash-outs) would be delayed until March 31, 2022. The employer has now advised they miscommunicated this in their bulletins. The delay in automatic payouts for PSE leave is not affected by this error.
There will be automatic cash-outs for any CM vacation leave that exceeds 400 hours on March 31, 2021. However, if any CM wishes to carry over more than 400 hours, they can exercise the exemption clause of the leave carry over policy. We have already discussed this with the employer and we expect full support at all levels should any of you wish to carry over any excess leave over 400 hours to the next fiscal year.
You, our members had an exceptionally tough year. Most of us could not take leave when we wanted or needed to and many of us went into the workplace as essential/critical services while most of the public service and much of the RCMP were able to work from home. COVID-19 affected our families and we still went to the workplace and found ways to manage things at home, which was not easy. We had leave restrictions imposed on us and we even had approved leave taken away from us. We were asked to take leave on sporadic days that we normally would not have requested, just to be able to get a day or two off.
The pandemic has made the nature of the work we do even more challenging as there are more precautions for us all to take and the nature of the calls and the volume seems to have become more intense which we know affects our mental health. We need rest and relaxation from work now more than ever.
If you are a CM and wish to carry over your vacation leave in excess of 400 hours this fiscal year (March 31, 2021), please contact your Local Steward or Regional Chairperson. They will provide you with the form that is required to be filled out and submitted to your supervisor. If you are denied or experience any issues then please advise your Regional Chairperson immediately.
This change does not affect PSEs. PSEs will not have their leave cashed out this fiscal year (March 31, 2021) which is due to the Phoenix pay issues. PSE have an extra year (until March 31, 2022) to reduce their leave below the carry over limit of 262.5 hours.