Dear telecom operators and intercept monitor analysts,
Now that the vote is over and CUPE has been certified as our bargaining agent, many of you are probably wondering, “what happens next?” Our work is far from over! The interim committee has been working on the next steps and we want to make sure you are involved every step of the way. Please click here to send us your personal email address, so we can keep you informed of the upcoming meetings and votes.
These are the next steps we need to take to get to the bargaining table:
Bylaws dictate how our local is set up, who makes up the executive committee and the bargaining committee, and what dues will be. The interim committee has been working on a draft version since last summer and is in the final stages of finishing the draft. The bylaws will then need to be voted on by you, the membership.
But before you have a chance to provide feedback and vote on the bylaws, you should know that many sections of our bylaws will be taken from CUPE National’s Constitution, and as such are non-negotiable. To find out what these sections refer to, please consult this highlighted version of CUPE National’s Constitution.
Membership meetings
Membership meetings will be held on April 23 at 1 PM and April 25, 2018 at 6 PM (Eastern time) to present the bylaws to the membership. At these meetings we hope to receive feedback on the bylaws and answer any questions you may have regarding the bylaws or how being part of a union works in general. Based on the feedback we will amend the bylaws if need be and then they will be ready to be voted on.
Bylaw vote
The bylaws will be disseminated electronically, and the vote will also be electronic. It will be held from May 3 to May 10, 2018 to accommodate shift workers. More details on the vote will be released at a later date.
Once the bylaws are set we can then run the elections for the executive and the bargaining committee. These are the people who will be responsible for representing our interests. The positions that exist and who makes up the positions (i.e. IMs and/or TOs) are contained within the bylaws which is why we need to vote on the bylaws first. If anyone has any interest in being a union representative, now is the time to start thinking about running!
Bargaining committee and training
Once the elections are complete, CUPE will send our representatives for training and then give notice that they would like to bargain with the Treasury Board. At that point, a new freeze on terms and conditions begins and will be in place until a collective agreement is reached.
Under the Public Service Labour Relations Act, the statutory freeze on terms and conditions that has been in place since December 2016 when CUPE applied to represent us is lifted 30 days after certification. Our date of certification was March 12, 2018, so as of April 11 the freeze will be lifted, and the employer will be able to make changes to our working terms and conditions. However, the employer is expected to honour the spirit of collective bargaining and act in good faith, so they shouldn’t be making drastic changes. If you note any changes to your working conditions, please advise your local interim committee member or your CUPE rep. They will determine if a complaint should be filed with the labour board for the employer acting in bad faith. The freeze will remain lifted until CUPE serves notice to bargain and then another freeze will start.
We’re very excited to be Local 104 and have control of our own future! This is just the beginning of our journey and united, there’s no limit to what we can do! The timelines below will help you keep track of the progress we already accomplished and the next steps ahead.
The CUPE Interim Committee
Phase 1: Board process
- CUPE files applications with the Board: First statutory freeze begins
- LES TO: December 9, 2016 (application number 542-02-8)
- PO TCO: January 19, 2017 (application number 542-02-9)
- LES IM/PO IMA: March 28, 2017 (application number 542-02-11)
- Board sets dates for interested parties to apply for intervenor status
- LES TO: January 30, 2017
- PO TCO: February 28, 2017
- LES IM/PO IMA: May 5, 2017
- Employer presents proposals for the size of the bargaining units
- All groups: Treasury Board wants LES TO, PO TCO, LES IM and PO IMA to be part of the same bargaining unit
- LES IM/PO IMA: Treasury Board wants to exclude managerial positions (withdrawn)
- Board responds to intervenor status requests
- LES TO: Granted to USGE/PSAC, and
- PIPSC PO TCO: Granted to PSAC
- LES IM/PO IMA: Granted to PSAC
- Board sets hearing date and terms regarding the composition of the bargaining unit and other issues
- LES TO: June 26 to June 30, 2017
- PO TCO: September 18-19, 2017
- LES IM/PO IMA: No date set
- (Board determined to merge all applications during June hearings)
- CUPE nominates interim coordination committee
- Board holds hearing
- Board renders their decision on the composition of the bargaining unit and other issues
- All Groups: October 19, 2017
- Single Bargaining Unit imposed.
- Board sets voting date and terms
- Voting Terms: October 25, 2017
- Voting Dates: January 22 – February 4, 2018
- Members vote yes to CUPE- Certification is granted by the Board and first statutory freeze ends 30 days later
- Local 104 Certification granted by the Board: March 12, 2018
- Statutory Freeze ends: April 11, 2018
Phase 2: Setting up your local
- First Regular membership meeting (bylaws presentation): April 23, 2018 at 1 PM and April 25, 2018 at 6 PM (Eastern time)
- Electronic vote on the bylaws: May 3 to May 10, 2018 to accommodate shift workers
- Second Regular membership meeting (elections for executive committee)
- Held before mid-May 2018 (within 20 days of First General Membership Meeting)
Phase 3: Bargaining process
- Bargaining survey disseminated: TBD
- Membership consultation completed: TBD
- Bargaining proposals drafted and presented at Regular membership meeting: TBD
- Labor Minister determines the list of essential services: No later than May 11, 2018
- CUPE serves notice to bargain: May 11, 2018
- Second statutory freeze begins: No later than May 11, 2018
- Bargaining begins: TBD
- Tentative deal is reached: TBD
- Ratification votes: TBD
- Collective agreement takes effect: TBD