Welcome to Maple Virtual Healthcare!


As a member of CUPE 104, effective March 1, 2024, you will have access to Maple – a virtual care benefit to support your health and wellbeing.

The platform will allow you and your family members to:

  • Connect with general practitioners and mental health therapists 24/7/365
  • Communicate via text messaging, audio, or video chat
  • Receive medical advice, prescriptions, and more
  • Manage and store your medical records
  • Delve into proactive mental health resources

Learn more in these videos about primary care visits and counselling sessions on Maple (counselling is private pay, you can submit receipts to your benefits plan for reimbursement, if applicable).

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 104 Executive

Update: Invasive Medical Questionnaire and Medical Examination


This is an update to our previous communication about the Invasive Medical Questionnaire and Medical Examination that was being sent out by the employer to our members as part of their new “health program.”

For the past several months, we have been fighting hard against this unnecessary and gross invasion of our privacy. This invasive procedure is irrelevant to our roles, a blatant violation of our privacy, and it represents an unprecedented level of scrutiny, unmatched anywhere else in Canada for similar jobs.

We have been heavily engaged with both Legal and Health and Safety experts from CUPE National. Recently, our legal team sent the employer a cease-and-desist letter demanding that their health program, involving the invasive medical questionnaire and medical examination, be shut down.

Unfortunately, without any meaningful consultation with us, the RCMP’s Acting Chief Human Resource Office has responded indicating that they are moving ahead with their health program, including the invasive medical questionnaire and medical examination. Currently, the employer’s new invasive health program is directed at Public Service Employees. However, they have stated that their intention is to eventually subject all CUPE 104 members to this testing (TO/TCOs and IM/IMAs). We have already filed a policy grievance with Treasury Board and we are working on additional legal recourse.

The only medical testing requirements for our jobs have always been hearing and psychological testing. We maintain that this is still the case and there is no reason to change these requirements. Additional medical testing is not necessary for our roles and is, quite frankly, none of the employer’s business. Your personal health information should remain protected and confidential between you and your health care practitioners.

The employer should be focused on recruitment, retention, mental health, and morale. Instead, they are trying to divide us, invade our privacy, cause additional and unnecessary stress, and disregard our rights to private personal medical information.

We urge you to respectfully share your opinions with your managers. They need to be informed of the effects on you so that they can share it up the chain with their senior managers. Even in the face of this blatant disregard for our rights and privacy, it is important that we all maintain a safe and respectful working environment for ourselves and each other.

If you are contacted to participate in this unnecessary and invasive program, and you do not wish to participate, we recommend that you respond with your questions and concerns, seeking more information and an explanation. You should do this in writing, including your supervisor, and respectfully outline your concerns with the program. If you are then informed that you must participate, immediately contact your local Steward or Regional Chairperson for assistance with filing a grievance.

Make no mistake, this is a blatant attack on your privacy, rights, dignity, and well-being. We stand united in our resolve to oppose this unjust decision and will keep you informed of any developments and the actions we are taking.

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 104 Executive

Maple – your new virtual healthcare benefit!!


We value your health and well-being, which is why we’re always looking for ways to further support our members. As part of your Union Membership, we’re excited to announce the launch of virtual healthcare, which will be available as of March 1, 2024. Say goodbye to long lines at the walk-in clinic! Through Maple’s platform, you can see a general practitioner when it’s convenient for you.

Through Maple’s fully secure platform, you can chat with a general practitioner via text, phone or video in just a few minutes. During your virtual visit, they’ll be able to diagnose, treat, and prescribe. This new benefit gives you (and your eligible dependents) unlimited access with a general practitioner.  Mental health counselling is also available on a private pay basis.

Stay tuned for more details!

To learn more about Maple, watch this video.

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE Local 104 Executive
Kathleen, Myles, Robb, Robbin, Alex, Cyrus, Randy, Marc-Étienne, and Brandon

Main page: https://104.cupe.ca/
Executive e-mail addresses: https://104.cupe.ca/contacts/
Membership Form: https://104.cupe.ca/membership/

Election Results


The following positions have been acclaimed.  Congratulations to:

  • President : Kathleen Hippern
  • Eastern Region TO Chairperson: Brandon Wilkinson
  • Central Region TO Chairperson: Randy McDonald
  • Western Region TO Chairperson: Alex Johnston

The RECORDING SECRETARY position is vacant.
If you are interested in this position, please contact elections@cupe104.ca

In Solidarity,

CUPE Local 104 Elections Committee

CUPE 104 website: https://104.cupe.ca/
Executive e-mail addresses: https://104.cupe.ca/contacts/
Membership Form: https://104.cupe.ca/membership/


Update – Shelter Cost Differential


Attention CUPE 104 members working and living in the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.


This is an update to our previous communication communication (https://104.cupe.ca/2023/10/03/shelter-cost-differential-for-cupe-104-members-working-and-living-in-the-yukon-territory-northwest-territories-and-nunavut/) about the employer discontinuing the Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) for employees who own their homes.

Thanks to pressure from the bargaining agents, including CUPE 104, the National Joint Council (NJC) Isolated Posts and Government Housing Committee (IPGHC) issued a communique confirming that the SCD is payable to employees renting or owning private accommodation, and to employees renting government housing.

This communique from the NJC IPGHC corrects and clarifies the application of the SCD for employees in private accommodations.

Read the full NJC IPGHC communique here: https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/communique/27/890/en 


In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 104 Executive


Invasive Medical Questionnaire and Medical Examination



Thank you to all our members for reaching out and alerting us to the highly invasive medical questionnaire sent to you by the employer. Some of you also received referral information to attend a medical examination. Over the past two days, we brought this to the attention of several senior managers of the RCMP, including the Commissioner, and we relentlessly demanded the process be halted immediately.

Until further notice, this process is on pause and, if you have received it, you do not need to submit the medical history questionnaire to the employer nor follow up with the medical appointment/referral should one have been sent to you.


We emphasized to the employer how unnecessary and invasive their request was and told them how it created more stress and uncertainty for us at a time when we are critically understaffed and under resourced. There is no need for them to be asking for this information right now. They have not explained why they need it, how it will be used, or what it will be used for. Except for the hearing and psychological components, there has never been a need for such detailed medical information to be provided and we do not see the need to do so now.


We had been asking for consultations with the employer about their plan for hearing and psychological testing to transition to Health Canada for some time now. Despite our repeated requests, we were not consulted. After our efforts over the past two days, we were finally able to set a meeting with them to talk about this issue. We have our CUPE health and safety and legal experts involved as well.


Please continue to reach out to your Stewards or Regional Chairpersons with any questions and concerns and we will update when we know more.


In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 104 Executive

Shelter Cost Differential for CUPE 104 members working and living in the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

Attention CUPE 104 members working and living in the Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.


Recently, the employer announced that they would be discontinuing the Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) for employees who own their homes. If you are affected by this decision, we recommend that you file an individual grievance, following the steps below, as soon as possible. You have 25 weekdays from the date of notification to file your individual grievance.


Steps to present an individual grievance:


Step 1. Download the pre-filled individual grievance template here: https://104.cupe.ca/wp-content/blogs.dir/820/2023/10/Individual-Grievance-Presentation-340-55-nf-fillable.pdf

Step 2. Fill in Section 1, Part A with your personal details.

Step 3. In Section 1, Part B, insert the date you received notification from the employer that your SCD payments would be discontinued.

Step 4. In Section 1, Part C, insert the same date as Step 3.

Step 5. Review Section 1, Part D, sign and date.

Step 6. Sent the completed and signed individual grievance form along with a copy of the notification you received from the employer and any relevant notes, files, and emails to your CUPE Local 104 Regional Chairperson:

          For Telecommunication Operators the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories, your Regional Chairperson’s email address is westto@cupe104.ca .

          For Telecommunication Operators in Nunavut, your Regional Chairperson’s email address is eastto@cupe104.ca .

Step 7. Your Regional Chairperson will review and sign the grievance form and return it to you.

Step 8. Present the signed grievance form to your immediate supervisor or manager. Once this is completed, advise your Regional Chairperson.


In Solidarity,

Your CUPE 104 Executive

Issue With Premiums


We are aware of various messages coming from the employer about the prospective elements of our new collective agreement (e.g. weekend premium, language allowance, etc.). We have been working on this and we will let you know as soon as we have more information to share.


In Solidarity,

Your CUPE 104 Executive
Kathleen, Robbin, Myles, Robb, Cyrus, Marc-Étienne, Alex, Brandon, Randy and Ron.

Executive e-mail addresses: https://104.cupe.ca/contacts/
Main page: https://104.cupe.ca/
Membership Form: https://104.cupe.ca/membership/